Online Payments Are Now Available Using PayPal

Dr. Bob Gonet accepts payments online using PayPal© for all his services.

If you have a PayPal account, you can pay Dr. Bob with your PayPal linked Bank account or use any major credit card. Dr. Bob will email you an invoice with a link to PayPal that will begin the billing / payment process. When you receive Dr. Bob’s invoice, click the button, “View and Pay Invoice”. His payment terms are 30 days on request. The process should only take only about 5 minutes or less to authorize a payment.

A confirmation email with your Transaction ID number will be sent to you verifying your payment has been made. Dr. Bob will also receive a confirmation email that your payment has processed.

Here are screenshots of the quick steps you will take to pay Dr. Bob Gonet (How-to-Pay-Dr.BobGonet-withPayPal-screenshots.PDF) after you log into your PayPal Account.

If you have any questions about the payment process, please email Dr. Bob:


Or, if you do not have a PayPal account, please use this button to create one:

Sign Up for PayPal


Additional Payment Option

You also have an option to mail a check to Dr. Bob. When you receive your invoice, it will request that you make your check payable to Dr. Bob Gonet and provide you with his mailing address.

Banner Photo Credit – thanks to for receiving permission from their clients to share their images.
Other Photo Credit(s) – image is from Dr. Bob’s photo library, shot by Chris Kisiel, Tasher Studio of Photography in Woburn.