Online Payments Are Now Available Using PayPal
Dr. Bob Gonet accepts payments online using PayPal© for all his services.
If you have a PayPal account, you can pay Dr. Bob with your PayPal linked Bank account or use any major credit card. Dr. Bob will email you an invoice with a link to PayPal that will begin the billing / payment process. When you receive Dr. Bob’s invoice, click the button, “View and Pay Invoice”. His payment terms are 30 days on request. The process should only take only about 5 minutes or less to authorize a payment.
A confirmation email with your Transaction ID number will be sent to you verifying your payment has been made. Dr. Bob will also receive a confirmation email that your payment has processed.
Here are screenshots of the quick steps you will take to pay Dr. Bob Gonet (How-to-Pay-Dr.BobGonet-withPayPal-screenshots.PDF) after you log into your PayPal Account.
If you have any questions about the payment process, please email Dr. Bob:
Or, if you do not have a PayPal account, please use this button to create one:
Additional Payment Option
You also have an option to mail a check to Dr. Bob. When you receive your invoice, it will request that you make your check payable to Dr. Bob Gonet and provide you with his mailing address.