Dr. Bob’s Career Development Blog

For Executives, Corporate Leaders and Managers, looking for Coaching, Leadership Development, Training or Motivated Individuals looking for Career Counseling or Training

Dr. Bob has successfully provided innovative coaching and career counseling services to Fortune 1000 companies, medical groups, restaurants, manufacturers, non-profits, nursing teams, and more.

Whether you’re newly promoted, a seasoned executive, a manager looking for a team trainer or an individual looking for career coaching and development, Dr. Bob can help you build your personal brand for long-term success. Find useful tips for engaging and being more effective as well as links to resources that will keep you at the top of your game.

Bookmark this page to return and learn more about how he can help you or your team.

Executive Coaching Blogs

Great Leaders Spend Quality Time With Their Staff, It’s a Sound Investment.  Here’s How!

A critical component of effective leadership is the professional relationships leaders create with their direct reports. The stronger the relationship between the leader and the direct report, the higher the likelihood of success.

Leadership is not about power, learn what a real leader needs to do so you can both adapt to unexpected situations . . .

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Corporate Training Blogs

Staff Accountability Reveals New Pathways to Real Business Results. Here’s How!

Of all the leadership trainings I have delivered in the last 20 years – Accountability has clearly been my #1 draw. And my guess is that it will continue to be. Department leaders do not effectively hold their staff accountable yet they all agree on the importance of it..

Learn Why and What the 5 Successful Steps are for Managing Employee Accountability . . .

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Career Counseling, Job Search or Transition, Resume and Interview Prep Blogs

The First Move in an Effective Job Search Is to Search Out Who You Really Are. Here’s How!

One of the biggest obstacles my job search clients face in my initial work with them is working to identify their talents and culling their professional accomplishments they have already achieved, in addition to building confidence.

In preparing themselves to enter the job market, this process for job seekers is critical — it clearly sets the tone in selling themselves both in the written and verbal sense.

Ever wonder what question an interviewer is really looking for you to answer . . . how do you answer it meaningfully?

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Banner Photo Credit – thanks to Unsplash.com for receiving permission from their clients to share their images.
Other Photo Credit(s) – image is from Dr. Bob’s photo library, shot by Chris Kisiel, Tasher Studio of Photography in Woburn.