Executive Training and One on One Coaching for Leaders, Managers and Entrepreneurs
Dr. Bob Gonet: The Career Expert You Need,
Discreetly At Your Side
Dr. Bob has proven to be an expert in developing and retaining top talent by individually coaching leaders and managers on how to create plans to more effectively achieve day-to-day, short-term and long-range goals. In his decades of executive coaching, he has worked with scores of professionals, all of whom:
(1) Have a great deal of LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL but are not maximizing their abilities. Although they are eager to advance in their careers, they are not achieving the results of which they are actually capable.
(2) Are NEWLY PROMOTED and are having difficulty navigating the transition to the next level. They are in unfamiliar territory. What they were accustomed to in their previous position is now much different, They are uneasy, off balance and are having a difficult time adjusting.
(3) Worry that their JOBS MAY BE IN JEOPARDY due to deficiencies in particular skills. They need to step up the learning curve, admit deficiencies, and fill in the gaps. When their skills are improved and utilized daily, there is a dramatic turnaround. And peace of mind. Both the employer and employee reap the benefits.
Identifying, Seeking, and Achieving Breakthrough Results
Dr. Bob’s one-on-one highly interactive approach and customized programs enable you and your company to develop unique ideas, fuel new initiatives, move ahead, and stay there. He has extensive real world experience in developing strategies and tactics to improve individual and team performance in highly specific areas, departmental groups, or throughout entire organizations regardless of size.
- Creating a successful track record by increasing company sales, improving customer care, and enhancing individual/team performance productivity.
Developing Measureable, Results-oriented Plans
Dr. Bob’s executive coaching is based on specific goals and measurements. Increased performance, reduced turnover, new business, repeat customer business and increased sales are some areas that will be measured. Coaching to achieve these goals is the central focus. To maximize the return on investment in talented people, there will be clear, long-term goals set with specific short-term benchmarks, measureable action plans, and definitive deadlines. A pre-assessment and a post-assessment evaluation will be used, with interval benchmark checks throughout the coaching process to determine and analyze progress and effectiveness.
Meet Some of the Clients Dr. Bob Has Coached Successfully
Bill – A highly qualified CFO who is outstanding with the numbers and financials, but lacking in the area of staff relations. He is now very successful in all areas. Staff members in his sector, who were considering leaving the company, are now settled in and more productive due to the changes made in the CFO’s new interaction, focused meeting scenarios, and easier communications.
Joyce – A CEO in a Health Care company was once weak in the area of staff accountability. She was not setting clear goals nor was she was methodically holding her staff accountable. With Dr. Bob’s help, she has developed and consistently implements a goal-achieving accountability system in a very tactful and assertive manner where her own personality was not compromised.
Todd – A General Manager who, in the midst of one the worst inventory situations the company ever faced and an all-time low in staff morale, was able to turn around his organization and achieve record results. Because Dr. Bob helped him focus on top priority items and consistently take action, the impact of these efforts was immediate. In addition, the entire store began to view this GM as a person who is confident, capable and someone who can get things done.
ROI Results: Real Discovery. Real Progress. Real Satisfaction.
- So much untapped potential: “My employee had so much untapped potential and Dr. Bob tapped into it. He developed and implemented a plan with my employees. As a result, department productivity increased, employee engagement increased, and retention increased.”
- A measurement-based process: “I knew Dr. Bob’s coaching was very successful when I compared the pre-assessment results (before his coaching) against the post-assessment results (after his coaching). Dr. Bob emphasized the need for clear goals and clear measureable benchmarks to achieve.”
- Accountability goal-achievement specialist: “I believed that Dr. Bob knew how to effectively and skillfully hold my employees accountable. By holding my employees accountable toward the achievement of their goals, Dr. Bob taught them to, in turn, hold their own staff accountable.”
- Substantial increase in individual performance. “Dr. Bob helped me be much more productive and profitable.”
- Substantial increase in team performance. “Because Dr. Bob helped increase my performance, I am more effective with my own people in the way I manage and produce team results”
- Not enough time to do it myself: “I felt there wasn’t enough time (due to my own workload) to help my employee. I couldn’t give the quality time I would have liked.”
- Couldn’t do it as well as Dr. Bob can: “I knew the employee had a great deal of potential but could not get him to the next level. I was not as skilled, equipped, or experienced as Dr. Bob.”
- Efforts in the past have failed: “The efforts I made in the past have not helped. I did not get through to the employee and achieve the desired results. Dr. Bob did.”
- Newer/fresher ideas, tools offered: “I felt that Dr. Bob provided newer, fresher ideas, tools, approached, techniques than what I was using.”
- Outside was perceived and accepted as an expert: “As a so-called outsider, I believed that Dr. Bob was perceived as an expert.”
- More open and forthright: “I believed that the selected employee was much more open, forthright, and honest with Dr. Bob relative to what held her back, where she was weak etc.. rather than admit it to me (her supervisor)”
- My company came to fully trust him: “I instinctively felt that they sincerely trusted Dr. Bob and was more open to the process.”
- Sincere message of care: “Hiring Dr. Bob showed my employee that I (the employee’s supervisor) really cared about her and wanted to invest in her professional growth.”
- From stuck to unstuck: “I felt the employee was good but stuck. Dr. Bob helped – in the initial phase of coaching – the employee got unstuck.”
- His passion and love of coaching: “I quickly discovered his love and passion. It became infectious in the work with others.”
Success Stories: What Clients Say After Dr. Bob’s Coaching
We Would Hire Him Again
(follow above link to read what Kathy said)
— Kathy Trier, Executive Director & CEO
Community VNA
Dr. Bob Absolutely Empowered My Team
(follow above link to read what Jane said)
— Jane Stankiewicz, President & CEO
Community Health & Hospice Care (Retired 2016)
This Leadership Coach Will Hold You Accountable
(follow above link to read what John said)
— John Sorenson, Vice President of Marketing & Sourcing
Leap Year Publishing